Running Projects

Greenathon in VET

Greenathon in VET

Programme: ERASMUS +
Contract No: 2023-1-SK01-KA220-VET-000155000

The ‘Greenathon in VET’ project, in following the GreenComp framework, aims to equip VET students with green entrepreneurial skills at school, and prepare them for future labour market needs at the workplace. The project will develop a number of training materials, a platform and a guidebook that will help students to develop their own ideas and prepare them for participating in green ideathons.


C.H.A.N.G.E.R.S. 2.0

Programme: ERASMUS +
Contract No: 2022-1-HU01-KA220-ADU-000089052

The overall objective of the "Change Household Attitudes for a Non-wasteful, Green environment and Energy-consciousness addressing Rural Seniors" (CHANGERS 2.0) project is to develop a methodology, adult education training materials, and toolkits for rural senior citizens on topics related to energy efficiency, renewables, climate change and sustainability at household level.


Generation Z for Community Development and Sustainability

Programme: ERASMUS +
Contract No: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000028774

The GenZ4GD Erasmus+ project aims to develop a training and capacity building program for young people to equip them with the knowledge to get actively involved in sustainable development, and environmental protection on a local level.


Green Cities With Smart Citizens

Programme: ERASMUS +
Contract No: 2021-1-HU01-KA220-ADU-000033719

Greenvolve aims to empower 18-65-year-old citizens in the fields of green city elements and public consultations, in order to be able to shape urban design efficiently and improve their awareness on how to act responsibly in participatory decision-making which can affect them directly.

Museum Digitisation and asset management Malta

Our Search for water

Programme: Internal funds
Contract No: n/a

The main objective of this R&D effort is to map the perched aquifer springs and water galleries across the Maltese islands; and the resulting aqueduct infrastructure built during the time of the Knghts and the British period. This is a hybrid between archival digitisation, historical geography and GIS mapping for environmental resource management. The intention is to provide the necessary mapping baseline for the adequate legal protection of this incredible human endeavour.

Online GIS map

Our search for water website

Past Projects


Exchanging good practices to Change Household Attitudes for a Non-wasteful, Green environment and Energy-consciousness addressing Rural Seniors

Programme: ERASMUS +
Contract No: 2020-1-HU01-KA204-078710

The overall objective of the C.H.A.N.G.E.R.S. project is to exchange best-practice examples on adult education through four short-term joint staff trainings covering three main topics, namely: energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and sustainability in households.

Learning for energy efficiency retrofitting

Mutual Learning for Energy Efficient Retrofitting (LEARN-EER)

Programme: ERASMUS +
Contract No: 025698

The LearnEER project will develop an innovative mutual learning platform to increase professionals skills and capabilities towards the Energy Efficient Retrofitting (EER) of buildings. The Peer to Peer learning approach is identified as a wise solution to develop a more flexible and open environment for accessing to these training needs.


Environmental Portfolio for Quality in University Education

Programme: ERASMUS +
Contract No: 001373

EPOQUE aims to develop a common set of courses to enhance environmental awareness and sustainable energy consumption focusing at three levels of intervention, namely the modernisation of HE curricula, the incorporation of aspects related to the labour market and the active involvement of a variety of target groups and stakeholders


Vulnerable consumer empowerment in a smart meter world (SMART-UP)

Programme: Horizon 2020
Contract No:H2020-EE-2014-CSA A-B-C

The overarching aim of SMART-UP is to encourage the active use of Smart Meters and In-House Displays by vulnerable customers, in those Member States where the roll-out of Smart Meters has been embarked upon. Indeed, previous studies have shown that Smart Meters do not lead to energy savings in the residential sector unless households actively use them and are encouraged to modify their everyday practices. Our project intends to fill in this gap, while also raising awareness on demand response services.

Museum Digitisation and asset management Malta

European Enterprises Climate Cup (EECC)

Programme: IEE
Contract No: SI2.674876

The European Enterprises Climate Cup (EECC) is an EU-funded project that aims to support small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in their goal to be front-runners in energy efficiency management. By participating in a Europe-wide competition, they are provided with by cost-free energy advice and good-practice sharing. In addition, their engagement for climate protection in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) will become visible all over Europe.

Museum Digitisation and asset management Malta

Natural Heritage Malta

Programme: Internal R&D
Contract No: Collaboration with NatureTrust and Birdlife

Natural Heritage Malta (NHM) is a pilot project aimed towards preserving and providing access to digitised books or journal content specifically related to the natural heritage of the Maltese archipelago. The immense volume of published literature on the natural heritage of the islands is impressive but has limited distribution, and is mostly restricted to those few who can gain direct access to hard copy library or private collections.

Visit the NHM repository.

NZB 2021

The European Initiative for Upscaling Energy Efficiency in the Music Event Industry

Programme: IEE, CIP
Contract No: IEE 09/628/SI2.558219

Music event production is a booming industry with increasing energy consumption and environmental impact. Music festivals, concerts and clubbing events are energy intensive, but due to lack of targeted information, training on energy management and specific financial schemes, the energy saving potential of this industry remains largely untapped. EEMusic will tackle information and financial barriers and provide tools for energy management in the music event sector. The project will develop tailored training schemes for promoters of music events who are committed to implement energy saving measures.

NZB 2021

Doors Open Days – sharing experiences from low energy buildings to meet nearly zero building standards (NZB 2021)

Programme: IEE, CIP 
Contract No. FP7 241267-2

The overall objective of the proposed campaign is to give hands on experience with nearly zero energy buildings to the broad public and public authorities and to convince them the EPBD (European Energy Performance Directive) challenge can be met. This overall objective will be achieved by the transfer of a best practice doors open campaign from Belgium ‘Ecobouwers Opendeur’ to 9 new EU-countries. It is the aim to organise doors open days in 9 new countries.


Common Appliance Policy Energy Labels
(Come On Labels)

Programme: IEE, CIP
Contract No: IEE 09/628/SI2.558219

The ComeOn Labels project aims at summarising the best European experience related to the energy labelling of household appliances and supporting the proper implementation of the new labelling scheme as soon as it will be enforced. Its goal is to enhance the visibility and credibility given to the EU energy label and to improve the market for labelled products.

GPWind_ Wind energy Malta

Good Practice reconciling WIND energy with environmental objectives & community engagement (GPWind)

Programme: IEE, CIP
Contract No: IEE 09/941/SI2.558383

This project will address barriers to the deployment of onshore and offshore wind generation, specifically by developing good practice in reconciling objectives on renewable energy with wider environmental objectives and actively involving communities in planning and implementation. By bringing together developers, regional and local government, environmental agencies and NGOs from different countries to share experiences, it will be possible to develop a guide to good practice and a 'how to' toolkit, which can be used to facilitate deployment of renewable energy in support of the 2020 targets.

DIGESPO- Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

Distributed Combined Heat and Power Generation from Small Size Concentrated Solar Power (DIGESPO)

Programme: FP7 Energy 
Contract No. FP7 241267-2

The DiGeSPo project concept is a modular 1-3 kWe, 3-9 kWth micro Combined Heat and Power (m-CHP) system based on innovative Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and Stirling engine technology. It integrates small scale concentrator optics with moving and tracking components, solar absorbers in the form of evacuated tube collectors, a heat transfer fluid, a stirling engine with generator, and heating and/or cooling systems; it incorporates them into buildings in an architecturally acceptable manner, with low visual impact.

European Climate Cup

European Citizens
Climate Cup (ECCC)

Programme: IEE, CIP
Contract No: IEE/09/670/SI2.558232

The “European Citizens Climate Cup” (ECCC) is a competition of private households within and between countries. It aims to demonstrate that everybody can save energy significantly and even beat the reduction targets of the European Union and its member states. By competing in a sports-like championship, Energy Saving Account (ESA) holders form national teams to fight climate change and to achieve the highest CO2 reduction in the contest. The winner team and additionally the Energy Savers of the Year, the household with the highest CO2 reduction and the most convincing energy saving measures of every partner country/region will be decorated in a glamorous final award ceremony in Brussels.


Executive Coaching for European SMEs

Program: Leonardo Da Vinci – TOI
Contract #: ES/09/LLP-LdV/TOI/149037

The objective of the U-COACH project is to develop an online support tool for improving skills, techniques and competencies necessary to integrate and apply Executive Coaching techniques in the human resource and personnel management processes of enterprises.  Through the creation of a learning methodology, Managers of all levels and entrepreneurs in European SMEs will obtain the relevant skills to improve the performance and competitiveness of their organisations.


European Sustainable
Energy Award for Prisons

Programme: IEE, CIP
Contract No: IEE IEE/10/383/SI2.589428

The main objective is to establish an award scheme that acts as the framework for the adoption of intelligent energy usage patterns in multi-residential buildings (prison institutions) and their communities. The concept is informed by a pilot and close collaboration with the prison service in the UK by the coordinator. This has clearly identified how a holistic approach can effectively improve the performance on energy sustainability through increased awareness, a structure for progression, practical action and access to expert advice and support. For further details click here.

Museum Digitisation and asset management Malta

Museum e-Systems

Programme: Internal R&D
Contract No: Collaboration with Seasus

To efficiently transform the organized media objects deposited in the digital archive into educational experiences, there is a need of a novel content management framework for organizing digital collections and for quickly selecting, integrating, and composing objects from the collection to produce exhibitions of different presentation styles. The long-term goal here is to design and build data organization, accessing, and presentation systems for vast amounts of heterogeneous hypermedia documents in a DM.


RTD Technological Audit in FP6 and FP7

Programme: EC Tender
Contract No. SMART 2009/0030

Projects in Motion was awarded a tender by DG INFSO to conduct a number of studies in order to assess Malta's ICT RTD uptake in the 6th Framework Programmes, and identfy potential barriers and opportunities.
DG INfos is acting to ensure that this hidden potential is released for the construction of an all inclusive and geographically balanced ERA. In this context DG INFSO carried out a Technological Audit on information and communication technologies (ICT) research capabilities in each of the EU 12 states, including Malta.






Flick the Switch

Programme: IEE 2007
Contract No. IEE-07-639

The overall strategic aim of this project is to encourage energy efficiency measures in schools through an integrated effort between energy efficiency experts, education stakeholders, schools, and innovation and communications professionals, whereby they will plan and design a novel campaign aimed at stimulating primary and secondary students to take on ownership and responsibility for their own energy consumption patterns.

Our Role: PiM was leading the "Monitoring, Evaluation and Best Practice" work package.
WP Objectives: The overall aim of this work package is to monitor the progress of the deployment of the FLICK THE SWITCH campaign across Europe, and to ensure that a critical mass of participating schools from across the Enlarged Europe remain actively involved over the course of the Campaign. Best practice will have been identified and documented.


Programme: FP7-IST
Contract no. 216923

The overall objective of the project is to develop a platform for innovative services enhancing on-site personalised access to digital cultural heritage through adaptive and privacy preserving user profiling. Using on-site knowledge databases, global digital libraries and visitors’ experiential knowledge, the platform makes possible the creation of innovative multilingual services for increasing interaction between visitors and cultural heritage objects in a future smart museum environment, taking full benefit of digitized cultural information. PiM was awarded a public tender for delivering all the project management and technical merits of the project on behalf of Heritage Malta.


Energy Efficiency Knowledge Transfer Framework for Building Retrofitting in the Mediterranean Area (eeWise)

Contract No: FP7 - 314347

ee-WiSE will promote the EE Market focusing on building retrofitting in the Mediterranean. In short, the reason of the project answers three key questions: why retrofitting, why the Mediterranean, and why now. ee-WiSE will assist the transformation of the EE Market and promote the transfer of good practices. It will also achieve coordination between the Mediterranean and the EU, and knowledge transfer activities will expand the Market through dissemination of energy efficiency solutions. This project will finally guide new business models in the EE Market by boosting knowledge transfer in building retrofitting.


Yearly Appliance Energy Cost Indication (YAECI)

Programme: IEE, CIP
Contract No:IEE/11/843

The main objective of the Action is to provide customers with information at the point of sale on the yearly running cost of products with an energy label, in order to stimulate the uptake of affordable efficient products. The project will, in line with the IEE 2011 work programme, help "to transform the market towards more energy-efficient products", and will seek to "allow consumers to consider energy efficiency in their purchasing decisions".  As regards publicprocurement, the project will help achieve economies of scale of energy efficient products by providing the information on the running costs of appliances.

European Citizens’ Consultations on the EU’s economic and social future

Programme: DG Comm
Contract no. To be advised

In the run-up to the 2009 Euro-elections, the European Citizens’ Consultations 2009 (ECC 2009) are giving citizens a voice in the debate over how to respond to the current economic and financial crisis by providing a platform for pan-European dialogue on the challenges facing the EU.
As well as feeding into the debate over how to respond to the global economic crisis, ECC 2009 will also provide timely and relevant input for policy-makers as the EU institutions begin work on a post-2010 successor to the Lisbon Agenda. Additional regional outreach activities are also planned in the autumn, with a particular focus on the MEPs newly elected in June 2009, to ensure that the results of the consultations are disseminated and debated more widely.

PECOM Hygiene Solutions


Programme: Malte Enterprise
Contract no. n/a

PiM recently secured funding under this scheme offered by Malta Enterprise, in collaboration with COMTEC and ESDL, in order to develop a range of products related to remote pest monitoring solutions. PECOM systems provide integrated systems and technical solutions specifically designed for the detection and monitoring of the presence of insects and other small pests on a site, in a building, in a process, installation or in a controlled area. PECOM systems are both easy to use and deploy and provide complete automation of all pest control functions such as surveillance, registration, alarms, baiting, and regulation.



Programme: Leonardo, TOI
Contract no.

The main objective of the project is to provide trainers in vocational training with the skills, competences and knowledge to offer training in the field of Open Source Software and related issues to their learners. 
The project will create a knowledge base, which provides the trainers with access, not only to learning and training materials on Open Source Software, but also with specific knowledge on learning experiences with these materials, both from the point of view from the learner, as from the trainer that has used the material.

Provision of Futures Training and Workshop Facilitation Services

Programme: Interreg IIIC
Client: MCST / NCHE

As part of the FUTURREG Project, MCST implemented a Pilot Study addressing the Higher Education Sector in Malta. PiM provided Training and Facilitation of a series of workshops that established a dialogue among further and higher education institutions to reflect on strategic issues for long-term vision building and planning. The events provided an opportunity for training in future-oriented approaches for strategic planning and priority setting.

Facilitating Innovation in Renewable Energies (FIRE)

Programme: FP6-ETI
Contract no. 023428

The overall strategic aim of this proposal, in keeping with EU FP6 policy which attaches significant importance to the participation of SMEs in EU R&D projects, is to facilitate and foster the participation of SMEs from the Renewable Energy sector (RES) in relevant calls in the remainder of FP6 and the future framework which will be established for the period 2006-2010 (FP7).

Design for All for eInclusion (DfA@eInclusion) 

Programme: FP6-IST
Contract no. 033838

The DfA@eInclusion Coordination Action aims to contribute towards the advancement of eInclusion in Europe through fostering design for all. Towards this end, DfA@eInclusion will continue, extend and enhance previous efforts targeted to the creation of a sound Design for All (DfA) interdisciplinary theoretical framework of reference and a set of proven engineering practices.

IST Financial Training and Web Portal for New Member States (FINANCE-NMS-IST) 

Programme: FP6-IST
Contract no. 015481

The objective of Finance-NMS-IST is to enhance the successful participation of New Member State organisations in the IST Programme by addressing the financial and budgetary aspects of participation. Financial personnel within SMEs and other organisations in the 10 New Member States will be assisted in interpreting and implementing the financial rules and regulations of FP6 to their benefit.


Enhanced Participation in IST projects related to eHealth and eInclusion (EPIST)

Programme: FP6-IST
Contract no. 015920

The project aims at reducing the digital divide existing in the sector of eHealth between NMS and ACC on the one hand, and the old EU Member States on the other hand, by enhancing NMS and ACC participation in the IST activities in the field of eHealth. 


Knowledge Base for RTD Competencies (IST WORLD) 

Programme: FP6-IST
Contract no. 015823

The objective of the project is to set up and populate an information portal with automatic services that helps to promote RTD competencies in IST in the NMS and ACC and facilitate and foster the involvement of different research entities in joint RTD activities. 

Support to Associated Countries and New Member States

Programme: FP6-IST
Contract no. 015742

The aim of the Star-Net project is to be the first step towards the formation and development of a consolidated structure for support of organisations in all NMS and AC for participation in IST activities, building on the knowledge, tools and services developed within some of the most relevant IST support actions over the recent years. 

Projects we managed for others

Work in Progress

STimulate the pARTicipation of SMEs of NMS in IST activities (EPRI START)

Programme: FP6-IST
Contract No. 01580

EPRI start is a project that aims at stimulating, increasing, but at the same time qualifying the participation of SMEs from New Member States of the European Union in the IST Programme that is managed by the European Commission’s DG Information Society.

Work in Progress

Towards Open Source Adoption and Dissemination (TOSSAD)

Programme: FP6-IST
Contract No. 015981

The main objective of the TOSSAD project is to start integrating and exploiting already formed methodologies, strategies, skills and technologies in F/OSS domain in order to help governmental bodies, educational institutions and SMEs to share research results, establish synergies, build partnerships and possibly innovate in an enlarged Europe.


ERA Pilot Action on MicroNano Technology Systems Integration (ERA MINA TS)

Programme: FP6-IST
Contract no. 015833

This FP6 Coordination Action intends to network national and European entities supporting systems integration related to micro and nanotechnologies. The project will therefore establish a formal dialogue between those institutional entities involved in promoting micro and nano systems and integration aspects in Europe.

Dead link


Digital Citizenship developed on wireless network in geographically isolated areas (WDCNET)

Programme: Interreg IIIB
Contract no. n/a

The project intends to set up a radio frequency wireless network, linking all public services suppliers (municipalities, schools, welfare…) in geographically isolated areas, to provide data and information useful for the citizens. The wireless technology enables a high performance and reliable network with minimum environmental impact, on which to implement and manage an internet portal which gives priority to the citizens – in this case, Gozitans – keeping them informed and advised about the problems and services offered to the community.


Bande Large Europeenne pour la MEDiterranee (BLEu MED)

Programme: Interreg IIIB
Contract no. n/a

The project intends to increase accessibility to broadband internet in rural, peripheral and insular areas, mainly through wireless technology. It aims to promote the services offered by public and, at a later stage, private entities. Such services range from eGovernment and public transport, to eHealth and lifelong learning. The local communities and visiting tourists will benefit from the provision of online information to promote the cultural, gastronomic and environmental heritage of the territory, environmental control and surveillance and tourism services. The project is to be implemented in close collaboration with the public administration, local authorities and social parties concerned, involving the various organizations, institutions and associations present on the territory (in our case, the northern, more rural part of Malta).

Work in Progress

A Digitisation Strategy and Framework for the National Library of Malta

Programme: Interreg IIIB
Contract no. n/a

The participation of the National Library of Malta in an EU-funded project called Tel-Me-Mor has challenged the Library to think strategically about information delivered in a digital paradigm. This strategy describes the key issues facing the National Library of Malta in an increasingly digital environment and their implications if the Library is to meet the new opportunities and challenges emerging from this changing environment. This strategy identifies the directions to be pursued by the Library and outlines an annual programme of work designed to drive the Library digital strategy and ensure that it is delivered.


Mediterranean Cultural Network of the Apostle Pauls Missionary Path

Programme: Interreg IIIB
Contract no. n/a

The MEDMISSION Archimed project aims at exploiting the common cultural heritage of Mediterranean cities through the creation of a Sustainable Cultural Network on the traces of the Apostle Paul’s “missionary path for the expansion of Christianity”, taking advantage of ICT technologies and exploiting synergies with local key economic sectors in the Mediterranean basin. Main objectives of the project are the protection and utilization of the Apostle Paul’s “missionary path” cultural heritage; the promotion and networking of the cities – stations of Apostle Paul as cultural landscapes of great historic and cultural value and “nodes” of a common path; and the creation of relevant ICT applications and cultural tourism “products”.

Work in Progress

Intelligent Port Systems (iPORTS)

Programme: Interreg IIIB
Contract no. n/a

Ports in the Southern Mediterranean area are lagging behind in the challenge of promoting regional development, as well as secure interregional, cross-border and transnational cooperation. iPORTS’ main objective is the use of ICTs and telematics for ports to regain their competitive edge and become intelligent and secure development gateways by developing a strategic plan for iPORTS’ deployment based on stakeholders requirements and priorities; implementing iPORTAll, a proof of concept pilot application; and defining the exploitation and commercial value of iPORTS products.



Work in Progress

European Citizens Consultations

Programme: Plan D
Contract no. DG COMM No. A2-1/2006

The European Citizens’ Consultations provide the first-ever opportunity for members of the public from all 25 Member States to debate the future of the European Union across the boundaries of geography and language. Citizens exchange opinions, develop together their ideas on the future direction of Europe, and communicate their perspectives to policy-makers. The consultations and their follow-up aim at inspiring both European and national institutions and decision-makers as they prepare to take decisions on the next phase of Europe’s development. The process is funded and organised by an independent consortium of foundations and non-profit organisations from all over Europe and led by the King Baudouin Foundation.

Work in Progress

Malta Inteligent Energy Agency (MIEMA)

Programme: IEE
Contract no. n/a

The Kyoto Protocol represents the first pillar of an international strategy to achieve the objective of a progressive reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, in order to fight climatic changes caused by the quick rise in the earth’s temperature, with serious risks for the survival of our planet. The Malta Energy Management Agency intends to be a protagonist of this engagement, promoting awareness initiatives and contributing to define incisive and targeted proposals and policies of intervention, thus aiming to optimize the use of conventional energy resources and to develop renewable sources on the island.

Work in Progress

Support for participants in ICT Priority by network for IST under the transition to the 7th Framework Programme (Idealist 7fp)

Programme: FP7
Contract no. n/a

The objective of Idealist7fp is to stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation in current and future Community ICT research of organisations of all types. Special focus is put on newcomers and SMEs, including organisations from New Member States (NMS), Associated Candidate Countries (ACC) and INCO comprising countries from broader Europe, Mediterranean countries and non-European countries with high technical and economical potential. The project relies on the specific information and assistance structures established by the Member States and the Associated Countries at local, regional and national level, but its activities address the international aspects not covered by the nationally-funded national contact point (NCP) role.


Digital Citizenship developed on Wireless Network in geographically isolated areas (WDCNET)

Programme: Interreg IIIB Archimed
Contract no. n/a

The project intends to set up a radio frequency wireless network, linking all public services suppliers (municipalities, schools, welfare…) in geographically isolated areas, to provide data and information useful for the citizens. The wireless technology enables a high performance and reliable network with minimum environmental impact, on which to implement and manage an internet portal which gives priority to the citizens – in this case, Gozitans – keeping them informed and advised about the problems and services offered to the community.